On 15 December 2020 the Cabinet Office launched a consultation document on proposals to overhaul the procurement process for the public sector as part of their Brexit strategy. The consultation closed on 10 March 2021.

CIG Services Ltd applauds the proposals as being both positive and timely. We have responded to the consultation document with further proposals for specific reforms for public procurement in construction and infrastructure.

In submitting the response, Charles O’Neil, co-founder of CIG said: “My colleagues and I at CIG welcomed the Green Paper consultation. Our response, our proposals for reform, and our motivation are based on the experience and pragmatism of our team. We are looking to the future of procurement and project delivery post the collapse of Carillion, post Brexit and post pandemic. Any one of those should be enough to trigger reforms and we now have the chance to make those real and meaningful.

I am delighted by the support for our response by the significant group of construction professionals from many disciplines and how their different perspectives came together to articulate the reforms we believe are essential to success.”

Our response document is attached on the below link:

CIG Services Response